Walk-in-interview for engagement of Jr.Librarian on contractual basis shall be held on Tuesday, the 17th April, 2012 in the College premises. The engagement is purely on temporary basis for a period of 89 days which may continue if need arises.
- Walk-In-Date:17/04/2012
Name of the Post: Junior Librarian
Salary: 5200/- per month
Qualification: Degree in Library Science from a recognized University and working knowledge to operate computer system.
Interested candidates are requested to report and register their names between 10AM to 11 AM in the Institute office on 17th April 2012. No registration will be allowed after 11 AM. Candidates must bring and submit their bio-data, 2 pass port size photographs, one demand draft (nonrefundable) for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of 'Principal, IMIT' payable at Cuttack and photo copies of all the relevant certificates duly attested from HSC onwards, They must also bring their original certificate for verification, NO TA & DA will be paid for the purpose of attending the interview.
Institute Of Management & Information Technology
Bose Campus, Cuttack - 753007