Walk-in-interview for selection of watershed management team under IWMP on contractual basis will be held in the office of the Project Director, DRDA, Nayagarh. Interested candidates having essential qualifications may appear the interview with bio-data, original documents on the date and time fixed along with one set of attested copies of the same and two recent passport size photographs.
(1) Candidates with working knowledge on computer MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint will be given added advantage.
(2) Knowledge in Odia is essential.
(3) The candidate must be willing to stay and travel extensively in remote villages in the project areas.
(1) He / She will be paid a monthly remuneration of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) only during the period of his/her engagement, (2) A fixed amount of Rs.1,000/- per month will be paid towards meeting the travelling and other subsistence expenses.
(3) Watershed Management Team recruited and engaged in one district will not be eligible to apply for the same post in any other district till completion of minimum one year service.
(4) The candidate who has rendered one cycle of contract (one year) has to produce a “No objection certificate” from the PIA duly
countersigned by Project Director, DRDA/Watersheds to apply to similar posts in any other district, if, he/she continues to be on contract beyond one cycle of contract.
(5) This engagement does not confer any right to a regular appointment at any time in the WMT or any other State & Govt. Organizations. The engagement is purely temporary & contractual in nature & shall not invite any legal recourse now or in the future.
(6) No TA & DA will be given for attending the interview.
Director, DRDA,