Application for General Sahayak of “Jogana Sahayak" of Grama Panchyat under Muribahal block.
Job Details
Post : Jogana Sahayak
Salary : Rs. 3,500/- per month.
Qualification : Any Graduate
Age Limit : 21 to 35 years up to 31 May 2012.
Eligibility Criteria
1. The candidates should be permanent resident of GP.
2.The selection will be based on all the career marking with weightage for matriculation being 30 % , for +2 being 30 % , for +3 being 40 %.
How To Apply
The Application shall be received at block point form date 25.05.2012 to
11-06-2012 during office hour(Expect holidays) by the Head Clerk of this office.
Panchyat Samiti Office
Muribahal block, Dist- Bolangir