Railway Recruitment Board invites applications for the following posts:
Job Details
Post: Junior Research Fellow
Vacancies : 2042
Salary : Rs. 5200-20200/- Grade Pay Rs.1900-2400/- per month
Qualification : BE/B.Tech, BA, B.Sc, B.Com
How To Apply
Application in the prescribed format should be send to the Assistant Secretary/Member Secretary of the concerned RRB where candidate want to apply on or before 16 July 2012 now extended up to 31/07/2012. Candidates can also apply online at respective RRB websites. The envelope containing the application should be clearly written“Application for the Post of ___________"
Application Fees : Rs.60/-(Sixty) for Technician G radeII and Rs.40/-(fourty)
Technician Grade III posts for the General candidates and OBC candidates only in the form of IPO / DD in favour of Assistant Secretary/Secretary/Member Secretary/Chairman of the concerned RRB where the candidate wants to apply. No examination fees will be applicable for SC / ST / Ex-Servicemen / Physically Handicapped / Women / Minorities / Economically backward classes candidates having annual family income less than Rs.50000 (Fifty Thousands).
For more details Click Here