Railway Recruitment Board(RRB), Bhubaneswar requires eligible candidates for filling the following post in Indian Railway, Bhubaneswar.
Job Details
Post: Helper-II (Group-D)
Vacancies: 400 nos
Job Details
Post: Helper-II (Group-D)
Vacancies: 400 nos
Eligibility: Citizen of India
Qualification: Must have passed 10th standard or ITI or equivalent from a recognized educational institution or Board.
Age Limit: 18 to 33 years as on 01 January 2011
Application Fees: Rs.40/- for OBC/ Gen in the form of DD/ Pay Order/ IPO
Salary: Rs.5200-20200 having Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-
How To Apply
Application in prescribed format in A-4 size must be sent by ordinary post in the given address on or before 24 September 2012.
Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment),
Railway Recruitment Cell,
East Coast Railway Headquarters,
Office of the Chief Personnel Officer, 2nd Floor,
South Block, Rail Sadan, Mancheswar,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751017
For details Click Here