Odisha Human Rights Commission invites application from Government Servants and Retired Employee for the following recruitment.
Job Details
Post: Section Officer
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Private Secretary (Stenographer Cadre)
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Assistant Section Officer
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancies: 02
Post: Senior Assistant
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Personal Assistant
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancies: 04
How To Apply
Eligible and interested candidates should submit their detailed application along with attested copies of all testimonials before 31 October 2016. For more details visit the given website.
Odisha Human Rights Commission
Toshali Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
Satya Nagar, Bhubaneswar,
Pin-751007, Orissa
Email: ohrc@nic.in
Website: www.ohrc.ori.nic.in
Phone: 0674-2573790, 2572191, 2570060
Job Details
Post: Section Officer
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Private Secretary (Stenographer Cadre)
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Assistant Section Officer
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancies: 02
Post: Senior Assistant
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancy: 01
Post: Personal Assistant
Salary: Rs. 9300/- per month
Vacancies: 04
How To Apply
Eligible and interested candidates should submit their detailed application along with attested copies of all testimonials before 31 October 2016. For more details visit the given website.
Odisha Human Rights Commission
Toshali Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
Satya Nagar, Bhubaneswar,
Pin-751007, Orissa
Email: ohrc@nic.in
Website: www.ohrc.ori.nic.in
Phone: 0674-2573790, 2572191, 2570060