Collector of Keonjhar invites application from the eligible graduates for following vacancies.
Job Details
Post: Amin
Job Details
Post: Amin
Vacancies: 16 nos
Salary: Rs.5200-20200/- Grade Pay Rs.1800/-
Eligibility: Graduation with Computer knowledge.
Post: Assistant Revenue Inspector (ARI)
Vacancies: 16 nos
Salary: Rs.5200-20200/- Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
Eligibility: Graduation with Computer knowledge.
Post: Revenue Inspector (RI)
Vacancies: 11 nos
Salary: Rs.9300-34800/- Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Eligibility: Graduation with Computer knowledge.
Application Fee
Candidates have to pay a fee of Rs 100/- for the post of RI, ARI, Amin to be paid in form of DD in favor of Collector, Keonjhar payable at SBI, Keonjhar.
How To Apply
Interested candidates may visit the recruitment section given website and apply in the prescribed form before 08 August 2013.
Collector of Keonjhar
Pin-758001, Odisha
How To Apply
Interested candidates may visit the recruitment section given website and apply in the prescribed form before 08 August 2013.
Collector of Keonjhar
Pin-758001, Odisha